NBA 2K15 Flop Or Not? PS4 Review

So I am not one to usually play sports games but when I do my favorite is basketball. There was always just something about basketball maybe its high pace up and down the court action or the slow motion action shots of ridiculous dunks that always leaves me craving for some more basketball.

My Review: This was the first NBA game I owned on my PS4 and the game for sure has its ups and downs. Now let’s not start with negative news let’s start with why NBA is good. First the game looks amazing all of the player models are detailed all the way down to James Harden’s beard. The way the light reflects off the court has this intense real moment and many times while playing people thought I was watching a basketball game FOR REAL! To add to my liking of the game is that the mechanics are easily learned and the whole hold down square to shoot and line it up with the little white bar was easy after a couple matches I started to become really good at making shots. The right thumb stick to perform maneuvers and jukes felt a tad unresponsive at times but most of the time it did the move I wanted which made me happy. So now let’s talk about the bad news. First things first in My Career the dialogue didn’t feel real and none of the actors didn’t play the characters well. Most of time there was emotion but you can never really feel it and get engaged which I was I skipped most cut scenes which lead me to my next problem LOADING! The loading in this game is terrible absolutely awful. You have to load up everything from starting a cut scene to ending a cut scene also in my career to play a single game you had to wait for it to load which took longer than it did to load a single exhibition match. You MUST have patience to enjoy this game. My next problem is MICRO TRANSACTIONS which is the SATAN of video games. I will not continue on this topic purely because of how sick and twisted they are. To conclude with my rant of problems multiplayer sucks. I mean my park is a little fun at times but there is a lot of loading and micro transactions also if you want to play an exhibition with your friends online and there were 4 players you couldn’t switch your player on the court you had to play one single player the whole game which is frustrating and even if you got to that stage you are lucky because for me my game would have crashed already! That will conclude on why NBA 2K15 is a great game for single player.

6.5/10 EA can do better than this!

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